Hey everyone! We want to treat you to an absolute feast once again! 😉 We bring back our popular ‘South Indian’ evening.
The menu consists of simple and elegant classics: Pulao, urulaikillangu avial (spicy mashed potato), kondakadalai kozhumbu (chickpea sauce) and spinach salad with tahini
A wholesome and comforting meal awaits you this Sunday. Our food is always authentic, fresh, plant-based, and homemade, with much passion and love. We start at 17:00, and our kitchen closes at 19:00, but you can stay until 20:00. 🙂 Come as you are, pay what you can, and let’s make this a fantastic evening. 

See you on Sunday. Cheers.
One Bowl
Don’t forget to sign up here!
Bookings are closed for this event.